The (almost) Complete (leftover) Guide to Nor Cal’s DIY Spots:
The Forgotten Files
“Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” – Allen Saunders
It’s true, I had the grandest of plans for my dissertation on Northern California’s vast DIY projects. Finish the article for Confusion magazine, put out a few blogs with the leftovers, release a sweet video sometime around summer then finish my online book of all the DIY spots we visited over the last year or so. Problem is, life has a tendency to get in the way at times and recently some killer new business opportunities came up and some old pressing obligations have kept me busy as ever. Unfortunately that means the aforementioned grand illusions have been kept at bay. This labor of love I’ve been working on has to come to an end though because the sad truth is, the time to complete this in full will never materialize and these clips and photos need to get out. So here is what will be the last post on this site with the “2nd best leftover photos” and a sweet teaser for the full edit that will be on confusion magazine soon. I was really hoping to go back to all the spots and concentrate on the filming portion of this project but alas that is what will suffer the most. Also I’m saving my favorite 10 unused photos from the article for the confusion site as well, so stay tuned to their site and insta for updates as well as our various avenues of modern day media deluge. So in the end most of my plan came together I guess…. just not as complete as I had hoped. Nonetheless stoked as shit on how it all turned out in the end. The builds and the builders in Nor Cal are some of the best you’ll find anywhere in the world – not too mention the all out rippers that let me photograph them on the cornucopia of terrain that our piece of the world has to offer. Thanks again to all that helped on this project- you know who you are and you heathens rule.
Get out and build something!
On To The Post
I am often asked what spots we visited were the best so I compiled a top 5 list for your 4 wheel edification. Try to get in where you fit in!

John Worthington, Ollie @ The Beeble Bowl, Auburn CA
Smoother than your favorite parks best bowl has some saying this is borderline DIY but you can’t blame excellent craftsmanship as a disqualifying point. Erik B and his handy helpers definitely knew what they were doing and built the best bowl in Northern California – it is what it is. Hell, this may be one of the best bowls ever built in my opinion. Head to foothills if you get a chance
cuz you will forever be bummed if you don’t get to ride this pickle

Hot Cheese, Crail Slider @ Lower Bob's Oakland CA
The mecca of Northern California DIY, Lower Bob’s is the epitome of never give up. Oakland’s high profile DIY builds have been happening for a while now but all of them eventually come to a bulldozed end. The good news though is it looks like this behemoth is here to stay. Don’t get too excited though cuz dick head’s still aren’t welcome so stay away until you get your official invite.

John Worthington, Monty on the Corner @ The FBI Bowl, Auburn CA
This spot was somewhat of an easter egg. Heard rumors about this pit of joy but never quite got directions or permission…. then the house was sold which meant a solid roll would never happen. Fortunately a skateboarder from years gone by was looking for a house and luckily stumbled upon this listing and quickly became a skateboarder again. Crazy how shit happens.

Kerry The Bag, Blunt 2 Fakie @ Skate Fe, Visalia CA
The sad truth is what you build today may be gone tomorrow. Unfortunately Skate Fe crumbled to the powers that be, but not until it became one of the best DIY’s ever constructed. RIP my sweet concrete love.