Dude on Dude Action @ The Gene Pool
The Almost Complete Guide to Nor Cal’s DIY Spots: Originally Printed in Confusion Magazine #12
“It takes half your life before you discover life is a do-it-yourself project.”
― Napoleon Hill
Excerpts from the infamous Nor Cal Diy article broken into pieces and published for your construal pleasure. For a more complete and utterly sweet intro to this project of yesteryear please vist post #1. Some text has been changed to protect the innocent.
Region #2: Hell Town Region
Black as the devil, hot as hell, pure as an angel, sweet as love - Charles Maurice de Talleyrand

Ryan Johnson has been a ruler for decades!
Dude don’t show any signs of slowing down either. Fat snaps over one of the booya boosters like a youngin'
Skate Fe, Visalia CA
Skate Fe was definitely one of the coolest spots we skated on this excursion of shralp. Built on a unused 18 wheeler tester track for upcoming road dogs, the spot couldn’t have been any cooler besides the exception of being under a bridge in Portland. Killer obstacles that all made sense and placed in almost perfect formation made this spot a definite must ride no matter what part of Cali you are from. Unfortunately if you never made the trek to Visalia your too late at this point, Skate Fe got dozed a few summers ago but it’s unfortunate demise serves as a sobering reminder- don’t lag on hitting any DIY spot cause that shit may be long gone before your board touches the ground. Get out there boys!

Builders: Lucas Davenport, Old School Dale, Eric Sanchez, Anthony Vela (not pictured) and a multitude of locals (Pictured)
How to get in: Hop in a DeLorean and speed back to a couple years ago

Kare Bear: Blunt 2 fakie on a Steep Ass 1/4 Pipe
Not one to give into the latest fashion trends.Terry The Tree pays no attention to the dicks at Dickies and perseveres till the blunt is smoked…..about a full hour of work in the books on this pickle.
Bobby Wass Memorial Bowl, Madera CA
This bowl was built in memorial to the late american legend Bobby Wass. Homeboy was one of the most beautiful, original no bullshit mother fuckers you could ever come across and fact that Marcos dedicated the cash and land to build this tribute to Bobby is nothing short of bad ass.
While the spot may not be the easiest or most fun spot in Nor Cal it is still worth hitting up if your in the area.
Builders: Lincoln Nass and his crew of deviants

Marco's Overview: Double Shot Of Love!
Looks more fun than it is? Maybe......

John Worthington, Marco's Corner Pocket
No one feels like skating? No worries, John will handle all photo duties. Smith Grind in the over vert pocket

Rocky’s / Gene’s: Atwater CA
Cow farts, cholo’s and killer DIY’s - that’s what you get when you venture out to Atwater in the beautiful 209. While they are in the same area these 2 spots have completely different vibes. Rocky’s is a gnarly pit that will bite your ass if you aren’t on your toes and the Gene pool is pit of pleasurable flow - in other words keep the beers to a minimum at Rocky’s and get your party on during your Gene sesh.if you get a chance to get in these spots bring some beer and extra boards as gifts and please don’t let the dog out!
Builders: Rocky and Gene of course….. and some friends who i couldn’t name

Gene The Dancing Machine, Tailblock on the Pool Block
Time seems to stand still during a proper tail block. The Gene pool gets properly worked by it’s creator!

Rocky's: Drop in at your own risk!

John Worthington, Monty Grind Grind in the Corner pocket
And Now For A Little Something Extra:
A few clips from this region nicely edited down for the modern attention span - the 1 minute Instagram template
And Now For A little Something Extra 2:
All the sweet C clips and 3rd rate angles from the 2 years of shooting the Nor Cal DIY article.
Probably too long for your short attention span so watch it in 14 parts.
Yours (Mostly) Truly: BROdela Visual Stimuli for Your Eye: @4WBS
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